This year marks the
one hundredth anniversary of free education
in Oneonta as well as in New York State.
Our school celebrated the event
with a series of three library
programs stressing accomplishments
of the past .
Mr. Edwin Moore, Oneonta 's local historian,
was guest speaker at the first program,
entitled "OHS 100 Years Ago ."
On the following weekend, choir
alumni gathered to sing selections
from past school productions.
A round-table discussion with former athletic
stars highlighted the last program.
These events brought to mind
not only the achievements
of our school,
but the idea that education is a gift,
inherited from those who struggled
100 years ago to give their children
a better life.
All we enjoy in our beautiful school–
its campus, classrooms,
pep rallies, football games, and assemblies,
is the result of the ideals of a
generation 100 years ago.