Mr. and Mrs. Edward Adamo
Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. Andrews
Mrs. Peggy Baldwin
Miss Lorraine Bleiler
Miss Linda Brigode
Miss Mary Corcoran
Mr. Richard Culver
Mr. George Dick
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Donnelly, Jr.
Mrs. Ethel Slater Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Ellis
Mr. Michael Finkelstein
Mr. Jonathan Fyock
Mr. Thomas G. Funiciello
Mr. Nicholas Gatto
Miss Dorothy D. Goodrich
Mr; James Gorman
Mr. Stewart E. Gill
Mr. and Mrs. James V. Guido
Mr. Charles Hayden
Mrs. Dorothy Hilton
Mr . George C. Houck
Mr. Roger M. Keagle
Mr. and Mrs. Morley Keyes
Mr. Walter T. Kumm
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lowe
Miss Ruth Lowe
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Macey
Mr. and Mrs . J . Richard Mahlstedt
Mr. Roger McVannan
Mr. Charles Medalie
Mr. John D. Megivern, Sr.
Mr. Lyman Milroy
Mrs. Helen Morrisey
Mr. Ronald Pasto
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Pooler
Mr. Kenneth W. Reed
Miss Finkle Rosenberg
Mr. and Mrs. David Rutstein
Mi ss Judith Schlappi
Mr. and Mrs . LeRoy Smith
Mrs. Susan Snell
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Spaulding, Jr.
Miss Maureen Straub
Mr . and Mrs. Christy J. Valvo
Mr. and Mrs. George V. Ward, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs . James Wawro
Mrs. Marie Wheeler
Mr. Richard Wheaton
Mr. and Mrs. John Witinski