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All of us will meet the end of our four

years here at O.F.A. with mixed emotions.

Those who hated school will feel relief at

graduation; those who looked forward to the

chance of being enlightened every day will be

saddened by the cessation of their schooling;

others who viewed their O.F.A. years as one

big joke won' t care . But no matter what emo–

tion is felt orwhat phase of life at O.F.A. we

will remember, let us all consider our four

years as a period of learning. We are not

expected to understand Einstein's Theory of

Relativity thoroughly or to speak Latin flu.–

ently, but we all should have realized the im–

portance and experienced the joys of associa–

tion and collaboration.


these four years

have taught us that much, they have been a

tremendous success.

I should like to thank all of you for the

honor and privilege of serving as your class

president and to wish each of you much suc–

cess and happiness in your future endeavors.

Curtis Schweizer

Class President

Curtis Schweizer




The time has come when we Seniors must end

our walks down the familiar halls of the Owego

Free Academy. Although we are looking for–

ward to the future, we are now feeling nostal–

gic a'!d are wishing we were freshmen again._

There are many memories which we shall al–

ways cherish. Who can ever forget OUR

TOWN with Suzanne Yost as Emily and Curt

Schweizer as George or Dale Patton's bril–

liant portrayal of Harpagon in THE MISER?

Then there was the fun of initiating the sopho–

mores, sponsoring a hootenanny, and being

intrigued with Senator Kennedy's visit. Also,

we shall never forget the lively class discus–

sions, especially those that included Donald

Haun's personal experiences. Best of all, we

were the first class to enjoy a student honor

lounge where we could relax for one period

during the day.

And now, we thank our class advisors, our

guidance counselors, and all other members

of the faculty for preparing us for the future.

We appreciate everyone's help and encourage–

ment. O.F.A., we shall never forget you!