Science and
keeps pace
math program
with the times
to understanding chemistry is good note–
taking. Mr. Pringle's interesting lectures supple–
ment the daily le$SOns.
General science taken by freshmen covers all
branches of scientific knowledge, including the
Atomic Theory. Mr. Tassone believes the bulletin
board display will help his students to grasp the
Mr. Pringle observes.
Koren Fawcett and John Patrick listen intent·
ly to Mr. Perry's explanation of the "Law
of Cosines." They reolize that trigonometry
will help them in their careers, nursing and
Physics is the science of matter and motion.
The geiger counter tests radioactive proper–
ties of matter. Connie Chuma, John Galie,
and Eileen Dorsey discover the thrill of listen·
ing to the increasing tick-Tick-TICK.