rk toward a common goal
Toking o peek ot Redstone High
School, one notes thot pride and
tradition go hand in hond. Here stu–
dents and faculty acquire wisdom,
learn voluoble lessons, ond share
pleasures together. Working close–
ly with the school boord, adminis–
trators seek ways in which to pro–
mote educational growth of each
student ot Redstone.
Viewing the unselfish services of
the medico! stoff, maintenance per–
sonnel, bus couriers and dieticians,
students graciously tuck a feather in
their caps.
Cooperation accounts for the fine
work done by all associated with
the high school. Here, each individ–
ual gains knowledge, learning, and
ideols that will help him through–
out all his life.
success in life