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The sound of the bell at 8:15 chal–

lenged students and teachers alike. For

personal improvement and school welfare,

busy hands and minds worked together.

Classroom achievement influenced indi–

vidual plans for college, employment, or

military service. Creative students de–

signed useful furniture, colorful floats,

and decorative bulletin boards. Through

assemblies, dances, and sports events,

school spirit reached new heights. The

sounds of machines at work, the tantalizing

aroma of freshly baked cookies, the view–

ing of a new film blended harmoniously to

signify a full day's work.

Student Life presents youth


Organizations, providing a diversion

from routine class procedure, opened the

door of new interests and endeavors. Al–

though many clubs were formed to broaden

the students' knowledge of specific fields,

much more was gained. Students profited

from the opportunities of working with and

for others. Learning"'to cooperate with fel–

low students gave all valuable experience.

Working for others awakened a sense of

giving. Thus, extracurricular activities

provided the key to personal and cultural
