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Margaret Hritz

Kathleen Buskin

Robert Hutcheson

Harold Jackson

Karen Jackson

Kathy Jackson

Roland Jackson

Debbie James

David Janco

Larry Jarrett

Charles Jesko

Carolyn Johnson

Ruth Johnson

John Jones

Paulette Jordon

Andrew Kacijancic

Joe Kavulic

Teresa Kazmierczak

John Kenney

Mary Lou Kessler

Ron Kindervater

Albert IGshel

Helen Kogler

Janet Kolessar

Sam Kopacka

Walter Kopec

Helen Kovach

Ted Kovall

Alexis Koziol

Marie Krevinko

Charlotte Kubitza



JeUrey Kweller

Gary Lancaster

Margaret Laney

Ruth Lawyer

Eileen Leake

Portia Leake

Katby Lenk

Ernest Lent


plan their future through selected courses

Roseanna Lent

Joseph Lovat

Romaine Lowery

Fred Ludwig

Danny MacKillop

Andy Malachin

Nancy Malcolm

Jerry Malinky

Gary Mapstone

Fred Maraney

Bruce Martini

Rebecca Marucci

Terry Mattey

Raymond May

Dave McClelland

William McClelland

Da,•e Janco and Sbirley Roscoe read, think,



swer as they struggle through their chemistry test.