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The Girls' Oratorical lub, under the direcLion of Miss Jane


Rich, has

completed another very successful year.

Highlighting the year's calendar were the assembly play, "On the Air",

the Halloween Semi-Formal, and the Christmas assembly, "Guest House, Very


The climax of the year's activities came with Oratory Day, when ribbons

were presented to those who merited them. In the evening, our high school

orator competed with outstanding orators from other schools for the Leo Lan–

dau Trophy.

The club also conducted a poetry contest and a drive for food and clothes

for European Relief.


President .


Louise Kohler

Vice-President .


Janet Thomas

Secretary .


Rosalind Frumkin


. . . .

Marianne Pengelly

Recorder of Points .

.... .

. . . . . . Mary Louise Pollock

Business Manager ..... .

. . . . . .Marjorie Holland

Assistant Business Manager .


. . . . . .Lowry Maurer

Reporter ..


Virgil Marcinkevich

General Manager ...


Joan Schmeer


. ... ...

Miss Jane E. Rich