Susquehana Community High School 1960 Yearbook - (Susquehanna, PA) - Full Access - page 45

I , Bill Knorr , will my parking spot (but not my girl or car) to Joe McAndrew .
I , Marylu Krahwinkel , will my love for Penn State to Mary Washburn.
I , Maria Luciana , will my ability to have batteries run down to Linda Parks .
I , Thelma May, will my ability to make out with all the boys to Ethel Neill .
I , Gerald Mess , will to Diane VanTeger m} "lbility to get to school just as the bell rings .
I , Donald Phillips , will my spare tire to Dick Testa when he gets his car .
I , Frances Perron , will my access to a blue convertible to Shirley Stiefe l.
I , Lillian Plutino , will my ability to keep the teachers chasing after me to my sister ,
Mary .
I , Jane Prynn, will my ability to drive into the ditch to Janet Nagel.
I , Donna Tingley, will my love for the Boys' VaJ;sity- Basketball Team to Judy Lambertson .
I , Beverly Travis , will my naturally curly hair to anyone who doesn ' t like nightly
pin- ups .
I , Leon Vail , will my ability to get jealous to Jerry Weaver.
I , Ronnie Waddy , will my ability to tell stories to Duane Barrows .
I , Virginia Walker, will my seat on the school bus to anyone who wants it ,
I, James Wanatt , will my ' 53 Chevy to anyone who wants a show car .
I , Harold Westbrook, will my ability to let everyone call me "Lew Berdette" to Ja y
In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hand and seal this Nineteenth day of
February , in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Nine Hundred and Sixty .
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