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"When in the course of human events ..." ... "We hold these truths . .." ... "We the

people of the United tares ..." ... Nathan Hale ... Paul Revere ... George Washington

... Patrick Henry .. . "Give me liberty, or give me death." ... Thomas Jefferson ...


Franklin ... Betsy Ross ... Lexington and Concord ... Yorktown ... Francis Scott


... "Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro' the perilous fight ..." ... Tippecanoe and

Tyler, too ... Andrew Jackson ... Mexican-American War ... Remember the Alamo ...

slavery . . . Abraham Lincoln . . . Emancipation Proclamation . . . "Fourscore and seven years

ago ..." ... "With malice toward none ..." ... Civil War . .. Reconstruction ... Rocke–

feller . . . oil and industry tycoons . . . Wild Bill Hickok . . . howdown at OK Corral . . .

panish-American War ... Teddy Roosevelt ... WW I ... "Over there, send the word over

there ..." ... Doughboys . .. Innocent Years .. .