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. . . Prohibition . . . Bonnie and Clyde . . . The Depression . . . Franklin D. Roosevelt .

"We have nothing ro fear but fear itself." ... WW II ... Pearl Harbor ... MacArthur .

"I shall rerum." ... D-Day ... Ike ... TV and Radio ... Athletes ... Babe Ruth .

Miracle of Coogan's Bluff . . . The Impossible Dream of '67 . . . Jackie Robinson . . . "Where

have you gone


DiMaggio" . . . Bill Russell . . .Johnny Unitas . . .Jim Thorpe . . . Gordie

Howe ... Althea Gibson ... Peggy Fleming ... Kentucky Derby ... Indy 500 ... movies

... Clark Gable ... Shirley Temple ... Literature ... HUCKLEBERRY FINN ... THE

GREAT GAT BY . . . "chewing tobacco with unspeakable valor" . . . muckrakers . . . Viet–

nam ... JFK ... "Ask what you can do for your country ..." ... nuclear submarines . ..

Armstrong on the moon . . . ecology . . . racism . . . civil rights . . . Martin Luther King . . .

"I have a dream." ... Watergate ... music ... Glenn Miller ... Aaron Copland ... art

... Homer Winslow ... Andy Warhol ... immigrants ... tatue of Liberty ... "Give me

your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your

teeming hore. Send these the homeless, tempest-tost ro me. I lift my lamp beside the golden
