Sophomore Class
The purpose of the sophomore
class, like that of any other class, is
not just to earn money. One of its
greatest jobs is to create friendly re–
lations among its members. Through
the various dances and bakesales, the
students have met new people and made
new friends. Another big job is to pro–
duce a feeling of responsibility
individual. Through the same class
activities many have developed this
sense of responsibility and, thus, should
be the · reliable leaders of next year's
junior class.
Sophomore Class Officers
FRONT ROW (L. toR.) M. Walters, Sec.; K.
Wrooman, Treas. ROW TWO: T. Haun, Pres.;
E. Hofmeister, V. Pres.
Homeroom 306
FRONT ROW (L. toR.) C. Aiello; J. Bradley; G. Battisti; B. Beal; R. Andrews; N. Ball. ROW TWO: J. Arget–
singer; J. Argetsinger; C. Bogart; P. Barton; V. Bowgren; B. Bennett. ROW THREE: W. Beylo; R. Betikofer;
G. Allen; L. Andrews; R. Argetsinger;
Brainard. ROW FOUR: W. Bixby; D. Bailey; F. Cady; D. Bohn.