French Club
FRONT ROW (L. toR.) L. Richards; P. Hare; V. Lindhorst; S. Stevens; J. Nickels; N. Rankin; L. Custer; M. Wal–
ters. ROW TWO: D. Franklin; V. Brenchley; J. McCoy; E. Rollins; M. Lane; P. Sibley; C. Hilbert; M. Miner; C.
Kushner, R. Dukerich. ROW THREE: S. McCormick; J. Jarrett; C. Stark; J. Skinner; K. Talbot; D. Kushner; T.
Pupello; M. McDuffee. ROW FOUR: S. Stark; D. Wakefield; N. Marks; J. Johnson; D. Cuillerier; L. Doubleday;
K. Crosswell; S. Stimik; J. Langdon; D. Williams. ROW FIVE: N. Ball; K. Schmitt; J. Locke; G. Deuel; J. Stimik;
R. Fuller; A. Robinson; E. Conti; C. Whitney.
L'objectif du club francais est d'apprendre la langue, les moeurs et
la culture de la France. Comme une des activities du club francais on a
fait des affiches francaises chaque mois.
la fete de Noel le club a
chante les chants de Noel dans le village. Naturellement le club francais
s'est procure de !'argent avec les danses et le Mardi Gras annuel.
printemps les membres qui prennent la langue francaise depuis trois ou
quatre ans ont voyage a Montreal.
The main purpose of French club is to learn the language, customs,
and culture of France. Among their many activities, French club mem–
bers have made interesting and colorful French bulletin boards each
month. During the Christmas holidays they went Christmas caroling in
Owego. Naturally the French club had many fund raising projects such
as dances and the annual Mardi Gras.
the spring the third and fourth
year students who were eligible took an interesting trip to Montreal.