Anastasio Penczok and Connie Chumo accept the
inevitable. There is more to being a student
librarian than just checking books in and out.
"Welcome, teachers and students." Veteran aides
Mary Rase Tomsic and Lindo Durinzi pictorially ex·
press the
of the Redstone library.
On April 20, 1961. Redstone High
School library aides joined the Mo·
nongohelo Volley Area Student
brary Assistants Association. This or·
gonizotion promotes o better under·
standing of librorionship ond a
brooder knowledge of library activi–
ties. It gives students on opportunity
of looking into this profession os o
career. On October 7, 1961, the
second meeting wos held ot Eliza·
beth-Forward High School. Officers
were elected ond the constitution
wos discussed.
Under the supervision of Mrs.
Borontovich, the new assistants mos·
tered the basic fundamentals re·
quired to operate o well · regulated
library. They learned that the li–
brary is o major educational re·
The school librorion ond her
twenty-four student librarians work
harmoniously together
the bright,
well-equipped library. Their aim is
to stimulate leisure reading, develop
permanent interest in books and in·
crease students' power to interpret
ond evaluate printed materials.
BOTTOM ROW, left to right: Kyle, Monovich, Skovron, Matty,
Mazur, Rondelli, Bester.
ROW TWO: Gabriel, Susa, Cordine, Durinzi, Tomsic, Shumor,
Fogiolette, Durant.
ROW THREE: Dorsey, Capriotti, Gero, Kupets, Bolos, Chumo,