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Page Background

Commercial students' training involves workroom service. Paul Knight, Patty

Kozub, Minnie Russ and Florence Leprotti assemble library passes.

Utilizing their secretoriol skills, Carol Ann Keller ond Beverly

Leichliter post activity accounts. Mr. Stephen Strauch, faculty

manager, checks their work.

Secretarial students at their best



BOTIOM ROW, left to right: Leprotti, Nitch, Kozub, Torr, Nehela, lee,

Grooms, Geballa, Mrs. Gallagher. ROW TWO: Grzincic, Brocco, Walker,

Coletti, Petrosky, Smalley, Poes, Stahl, Rowley. ROW THREE: Stiner, Cropp,

Harville, Phillips, Daniero, Cafini, Scz:ypta, Cetera, Marbury, Johnson. ROW

FOUR: Durant, Cardine, Hobson, Martin, Leichliter, Keller, Tomsic, Davidson,

Tresso. ROW FIVE: Krepps, Podolinsky, Worley, Hopkinson, Kupets, Bidish,

Thompson, Glod.


Carolyn Tressa performs routine tosk quietly

ond occurotely.

