Under the able guidance of Miss Wilson, the Hawk
went to press. On the third Friday of each month, a
full-page spread entitled the "Redstone Hawk" op·
peared in the Brownsville Telegraph. This was the
school newspaper.
Working diligently, the staff scooped the latest
news, penned vital editorials, and featured animated
headlines. Alert proof readers spotted misspelled
words, incorrect punctuation and transposed lines.
Pictures and fresh stories gave the Hawk a mark of
professional production.
SEATED, left to right: DeMichele, Moyersky.
STANDING, left to right: Monyok, Zios, Kozub, Miss Wilson.
Throughout the school year members of the Hawk
staff managed to keep the students well informed on
scholastic achievements, extra-curricular activities,
sports, and social events. The staff attained valuable
experience in journalism.
Utilizing knowledge gained from past experience,
Diane DeMichele and Joe Moyersky proved to be
capable editors. Since accuracy and thoroughness was
their motto, the Hawk went to press on time. All stu·
dents of Redstone High eagerly awaited "Newspaper
80TIOM ROW, left to right: Casurale, Rondelli, Smalley, Suso, Kozub, Nitch, leprotti.
ROW TWO: Scypto, Fawcett, Cropp, D. DeMichele, Grzesiak, Kelley,
DeMichele, Petrosky, Corrick,
Miss Wilson, sponsor.
ROW THREE: Pincheck, Monyok, Gregg, Misiuro, Grzincic, Hobson, Harper, Hall.
ROW FOUR: McDonough, Brown, Zios, Clark, Moyersky, Worley, Martin.