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Commercial Club

The main purposl' of the Commercial

Club was to prepare future stenographers

for admittance into the business world.

Ever read) to assist teachers. students,

or administrators. group members typed

various ol£ice forms. tests. and other cler·

ical forms quick!) and efficiently. They re·

alized that a close working association with

the facult} prepared them for business

positions after graduation.

Emphasis was also placed on the light–

er and social side of life. The club per–

sistently aroused


spirit and partici–

pated in extracurricular activities. The

members sponsored dances and held lively

parties. In April. everyone co-operated en–

thusiastically to make the annual Mother–

Daughter Banquet a gala affair.

All activities carried out under the

direction of the following officers, Joanne

O'Brokta. president: Carol Grubish. vice–

president; Bever!) Kubitza. secretary: and

:\anc) Pacione. treasurer: proved success–


On Patron's Day, the commercial girls served as guides.

Visiting par!'nts Mrs. Grant and Mrs. West register. Fran–

ces Rochcck und Nancy Pocione stand by ready to lead

the wuy.

Club o!licers, Joanne O'Brokta, president; Carol Grubish,

vice-president; Beverly Kubitza, secretary; and Nancy

Pacione, treasurer; present pins to excited members.

Mary Ann Kavulic, Blanche Bartolotti, Sylvia Hill, Nila Logston, Norma Antonini, and Carol Porter, display the club's entry for "Homecoming".

In the poster classi£ication it won first prize.



