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The Tri-Hi-Y, sponsored by


Velda Hart,

lived up to its pledge of service to the school,

home. and community through the tireless efforts

of the officers and members.

The girls' first duty was to usher for Parents'

Night at the North Union-Redstone football game.

Other scheduled activities during the fall and

winter months included swimming at the Y.M.C.A.,

selling candy, sponsoring dances, and contributing

decorative items for the teachers' lounge.

At Christmas time, girls joined the Hi-Y


decorating the County Home and distributing food

baskets to needy families. For personal enjoyment,

the two groups planned a festive Christmas party.

To serve the community, the Tri-Hi-Y con·

ducted a house to house canvass, held car washes,

a bake sale, and


to raise funds for the

"Heart Fund" and "March of Dimes."

Outstanding May activities were a sightseeing

tour of Washington, D.C., by seventeen girls and

the long-awaited Mother-Daughter Banquet.


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Students attending the Tri-H.i-Y "March of Dimes Dance"

select Francine Magazine to reign as queen.

BOTTOM ROW: Berrish, Henderson, Logston, Brundige, Porter, DiDorrunic,.. Kovacic, Hatfield, Tinsley, B. Sabula, Celetei, Rocheclc, Lincoln.

ROW TWO: Stoken, Wajda, Lent, Spinelli, Coppolino, Packan, Papincak, t)'Brokta, Hill, David, Diehl, Radovich. ROW THREE: Stacoviak, Ozan.




Cales, Dudash, Tarr, Krempo•ky, Buchina, Carroll, Ko,11chick, Bellan,


Kirby. ROW FOUR: Grubish, Check, Olbrish,

Kamlic, Skompski,






Swartz, Kri\·ohlOV), Grant. TOP ROW: Gilmore,


Miske, TaHoni, Kopec,

Man.occo, Kulikowski, DeNardo, Hager, Carbonara, Leon.

