FRONT ROW (L. toR.) S. Spaulding; P. Rhodes; D. Patton; W. Kuhlman; G. Deuel; S. Fuller;
Ellis; J.
Locke; B. Collins. ROW TWO: J. Purtell; P. Wovkulich; B. Joplin; R. Fox, G. Keyes; M. Watkins; D. Col–
burn; B. Jost; G. Oliver. ROW THREE: C. Swartwood; J. Tackley; D. Burrell; J. Stimik; J. Sbortlno; J.
Kwiatkowski; C. Whitney; J. Hunt; A. Rider. ROW FOUR: T. Vlasak; B. Thompson; J. Mayberry; M. Mor–
ris; J. Howe; D. Berg; G. Stewart; W. Carlson. ROW FIVE: R. Bryant; P. Montgomery; J. Angel; L. Sac–
kett; B. Starn; S. Pierson; G. Rozelle. ROW SIX: R. Barto; G. Klossner; D. Chilson; D. Wales; W. Barton;
L. Porter; B. Ackerman; B. Relyea; J . Clark. ROW SEVEN: D. Shear; S. Galli; M. Vlasak; L. McCoy; Mr.
Valvo, Advisor.
The Varsity Club is a service organization
composed of boys who have earned one or more
letters in a sport at 0. F . A. Operating the con–
cession stand at football games, providing an–
nouncers for football games, and awarding
sweaters to seniors who have earned two or
more letters
a sport- -all these are services
performed by the Varsity Club. This club also
contributes money to the American Field Ser–
vice Prog:':'am and to the Golden Rule Fund.