FRONT ROW (L. toR.) P. Raftts; P. Sibley; D. Franklin; T. Dolinich; Capt.; C. Lowry; L. Swan; L. Pitkin;
B. Van
Mark; S. Stark; S. Shultz.
Football Cheerleaders
The main purpose of having
cheerleaders is to promote school
spirit in the form of cheers such
Fight, Win," "lnjuns,
juns," and "Victory, Victory."
This year's cheerleaders really
outdid themselves. Under the
guidance of Miss Brigode, the
girls produced many successful
pep assemblies, made posters,
and provided announcements to
promote attendance at the games .
These efforts helped the Indians
not only win the league but also
earn such tremendous scores as
54-3 and 41-0. All of the girls
deserve praise for the great work
they did throughout the year.