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FRONT ROW (L. to R.) D. Signs; D. Tiffany; F. McTamney; S. Harris; C. Morse; H. Stedman; D. Harders; M. Vlasak;

J. Locke. ROW TWO: Mr. Fenton, Coach; R.Jost; R. StQrm; T. Bryant; J. Youells; L. Pierson; G. Oliver; G. Keyes.



The 1966 baseball record was a dismal one

for the Indians who finished 3-11. However, the

team maintained its spirit throughout the de–

vastating campaign, which would have discour–

aged normal beings. Several bright spots help-

ed maintain this spirit. These were the hitting

of first baseman Mike Vlasak, who had led the

J.V.' s the year before; the brilliant pitching of

now-graduated Fran McTamney, who lost be–

cause of no support; and the fine work of Fresh–

man John Worthing. As the Indians move into

the S. T. A. C. for the 1967 season, they hope to

be on the winning track with a nucleus of solid

performers back from last year as well as

more help from the J . V.' s.