G. A. A.
FRONT ROW (L. to R.) K. Kolanda; S. Espe; L. Dochter. ROW
TWO: E. Conti; P. Randall; C. Aiello; J. Mattison. ROW THREE:
T. Dolonich; B. Winters, S. Stiml.k. ROW FOUR: P. Raftis; K.
G. A. A.
Girls' Athletic Association is an organization
pertinent to the physical health of 0. F. A.'s girls.
This organization offers an opportunity for girls
to develop such desirable qualities as good sports–
manship and fair play.
The G.A.A. Council under the guidance of
Miss Linda Brigode has endeavored
raise the
standard of athletic competition at 0. F. A. The
girls have sought entrance into the Triple Cities
League with the hope of earning recognition for
their excellent play in basketball and softball.
Some of their other activities include intra–
murals and playdays. To raise money, they held
bake sales and worked in the concession stands
during the football season. They contributed some
of the proceeds to the Golden Rule Fund.
All the girls at 0. F. A. are proud of their
G.A.A. which, through keen athletic competition,
is dedicated to the betterment of the individual
Leaders' Club
Leaders' Club
FRONT ROW (L. to R.) B. Van
Mark; L. Dochter; K. Faber; B. Winters.
McAllister; S. Shultz; B. Slick; J. Fox; S. Espe. ROW THREE:
Leaders' Club is a newly
formed organization for senior
girls interested in Physical Edu–
cation. Under the leadership of
Miss Brigode and Kathy Faber, the
girls have been very active in
carrying out the aims of the Club.
The Club offers the members an
opportunity to assume responsibi–
lity and display leadership qual–
ities. Leaders' Club works closely
with G. A. A. in the organization
and operation of intramurals and
playdays. Each member spends at
least one study hall period a week
as a student leader of a gym class.
This work gives the girls experi–
ence in teaching classes on var–
ious levels.
P. Livengood, D. Franklin; T. Dolonich.