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The purpose of the club is to

promote an interest in chess and

toincrease one's skill in thegame.

Thus, the knights of the checkered

table engage each other in brain

warfare several times each month.

The meetings are very informal,

and anyone with an interest in

chess is invited.

Chess Club

FRONT ROW (L. toR.) C. Schweizer; R. Fuller; C. Whitney. ROW TWO: C.

Hoover; J. Kennedy.

Chess Club


The Machinist Club, a natior.

wide organization since 1900, was

started in this school by Mr. Paul

Andrews in 1951. Its purpose is

to give some of the boys a better

understanding of the precision

tools and machines. With Mr.

Andrews' help, the boys this year

worked for extreme accuracy. As

in other years, this intensive

training has helped many boys not

only find jobs in local industries

but perform exceptionally well on

these jobs.

Machinist Club

Machinist Club

FRONT ROW {L. toR.) F. Wales; D. Kinney; D. Honnick; R. Burns. ROW TWO:

S. Zemberry; M. Griffin; D. Deming. ROW THREE: Mr. Andrews; G. Struble;

