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FRONT ROW (L. to R.) D. Hibbard; M. Walter s; J . Lillie; D. Hart; V. Lindhorst; S. Brani; P. Kloepper; J . Johnson.

ROW TWO: J. Mattison; M. Lee; C. Harders; H. Wilkens; L. Dick; E. Hofmeister; B. Ackerman; S. Buck. ROW

THREE: B. Huntington; C. 0' Connor; B. Hall; R. Philpott; M. Morgan; J . Stimik; R. Keagle; S. Hill. ROW FOUR:

B. Ladd; D. Maurer; R. Bixby; L . Swan; D. Stone; T. Foster;


Turley; M1·. Dick, Dir.; D. Hendrickson; C. Sch–

weizer; B. J ost.


A high school band is always

busy. What is a football game with–

out a band to perform at half time?

This year's band created enthusiasm

among the spectators by an excellent

selection of music accompanied by

precision marching. The football

season was not the extent of the

band's performance . Next in line was

the Christmas concert followed by

the March and May concerts. Band

members also participated



parades throughout the year. They

not only made music, but also raised

money by s elling candy. The success

of the band may be attributed to the

perseverance of its director,


Dick, as well as its members. As

the members prepared for all of

these events, they also gained an

understanding and appreciation of
