The Hi-Y and Tri·Hi-Y combine pleasure
and work while performing a community
service at the County Home during
The Hi-Y, sponsored by Mr. Per–
etti, strived to promote friendship
ond understanding among the stu–
During the Thanksgiving season
the members donated canned food
and turkeys for baskets. These were
distributed to deserving families in
the community.
The Christmas spirit invaded the
Fayette County Home when Hi·Y
members decorated the chapel, of–
fice and the upstairs hall. After the
hanging of the greens the members
attended a party at the Uniontown
Throughout the year the Hi-Y
raised funds for "World Service," an
organization which donates money
·o undeveloped countries. For the
past two years the Hi-Y received a
plaque from "World Service" for
active participation. With this in
mind, the boys strived to earn the
plaque for the third consecutive
BOTIOM ROW, left to right: Wingard, Grzesiak, Mayersky, Robins, Della Mea,
Oirenzi, Colvoresi, Galie, Mr. Peretti, sponsor.
ROW TWO: Pringle,
Pliska, Del Verme, Dargai, Gadd, Steeber,
Urani, Palosio.
ROW THREE: Brocco, Bilko, Feelo, Kupets, Franko, Soborese, levock, Popp,
Christopher, Kerosky.
ROW FOUR: Hromodo, Petrossun, Pelon, lucostic, Susponcic, Siesky, leshnok,
Mikeo, Simcic.
ROW FIVE: Kostelnik, loginjo, Sikinio, Oshinsky, Rosso, Crnkovich, Check, Grvbish.
Virginia Montagna toys with a "Toy lor