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Biology Club

Students truly interested in science extended

their knowledge of nature through Biology Club



\Iatthew Wasko. biolog) teacher at Bra·

shear Senior High School. was a guest at an eve–

ning meeting held in \larch. His talk suggested

many new topics for dub di cussion.

In April. \Irs. Caggiani. the club


scheduled a multi-purpose tour. The club ,·iewed

the breath-taking Easter Flower Sho'' at Phipp's

Consen·atory and visited the Carnegie :\luseum and

the Highland Park Zoo.

As a community sen·ice project. turkeys were

distributed to needy families at Christmas. A cam·

era was presented to the school: one that would


available to all clubs and school organizations in

the future.

Ron Sheba prc•t·nt'


Luro-tic with a camera for sr,hool u•c.




Caggiani. SwrJringen, Johns, :'llnlink). Log•ton. Danko, Burless, Kraft, Flack, Pic:colomini, Da,id, Peron. ROW TWO: Pas–


~Julien. ~!organ.

Cherban. . \lag;llinc. Wa•hnoc:k, \Iiller. OiOominic. De:'llark, fu•co. ROW THREE: Williams,


Bryan, Traficant,

\1-'h-'n"'· \lauhr\\<, Stcbok. Cox, Cari. Swinker. Laney. ROW FOUR: IgnotL, Softcheek, Sharpe, Packnn, Crubbh, :'llurtin,



Brezo,•k). Luco-tic. Durigon, C.1rafola. ROW FIVE: Bakewell. Cera. Defino, Cra,dord, Parig,


Kaminsk) . Durrell, Onird, Rat·mond, Shillings.


' IX:

Kurnav3. Oplinger, SicrJd•ki,


Smith, Workman. Slezak. Rohale)·, Craig, lane. TOP ROW: Ballaglini, Gondek, Congelio, Ku·

horic. Riffll', :'-fo, it•ky, Rnre<ic,


Chrisc. Sheba. C. Chrise, Davis.