Ed Patrirk, Carol Walten-, and Frank Kolba•h complete "Le Tour Ei!fel". the
club'• rnt11 in the homecoming
French Club
"Parlez-vous francais?", a well known
oft repeated in French classes.
This year, club members had an excellent
opportunity to promote their interest in
"au cours de francais".
Under the supervision of Mrs. Gazalie,
the officers planned for the presentation
(;{ several playlets dealing '' ith Lhe French
''ay of life. :\lonsieurs and mademoiselles
designed a replica of
Tour Eiffer' for
entry in the homecoming pageant.
lltilizing the profits realized from a
dance, the French Club journeyed to the
Syria :\Iosque to attend a popular French
opera, " Faust''.
Under the direction of the following
officers: :\lartha Kulikowski. president;
Rose :Marie Fitzmaurice. vice-president;
Annette Carroll. secretar) ; Connie Illig.
treasurer; the group gained a better un·
derstanding of the French language and
BOTT0\1 ROW: )Irs. Gazalie, :O.fammacella. Fi!Lmaurice, Rocheck. Flora, Duke.
\hrkr~. Jame~.
:O.Iarino. Summa. "earingrn. ROW NO:
Sphar, Catalanc>, DeBord. Palterson. Gli•ta.
Podolinsl.:y. Rollomm. William•. ROW THREE: Spinelli.. Grant, Katmierczak,
son. Patrirk, Suba.
Koziol. Rado,irh. Jllig. ROW FOUR: J. Sha". Poling, Bochna, Ta•sone. Faux, Ye•-o, Collins, Carroll, Gralka, Tarr.
ROW FIVE: Burd, Ve-ley, Shumar, Cra,£ord, Kulilco,ski, White, :O.foore,
Go-hom, D. Glagola. Softrheek. TOP ROW: Sparks. Lashwa),
Valent~. B~ri•ko,
Walters. B. Shaw, Cheek,
Glagola, Lizanich, ShMhura.