:T0)1 ROW:
Jos.,•ick, Charlc$. Hancharick. Frisco. De)fichele, Caglia, Stoken, Hatfield, Kolessar, Kovachick, DeSimone. ROW TWO:
_ Durgcr, Cataneo. Angelo. Harford, Dando. Vigliotti. )[ebalik, Johnson, Durigon, Sparvieri, Chambers. ROW THREE: L. Han·ey, Scott, Parrella,
:'llattey, Andalora, Stonko. Repasy. Garofalo,
Hane)·. ROW FOUR: Kelly, Whetzel,
Vo)tovich, DeNardo, Seese, Vargo, Carlock,
hley. Akers. Garden. R0\'1;
FIVE: Paydo. Ulery, Kielbasa, Zucbelkowski. Boyd. Kensinger, Du,·all, Bookshar. )lcCielland, l\laueucci. TOP
Gondek. )lazzocco. Pasquini, Cardint>. Ratesic, Kifus. Guerrieri, Harvilla, )Ieese, )lendi•h, )Jarkler.
Colorful festi,·ities. age-old customs. and
pressh·e cultural backgrounds of the Hispanic coun–
tries formed the basis of the club's program. Cor–
responding with South American students. Tony
Marini. Irene Andalora and Joe Gondek learned
about the everyday lives of our southern neighbors.
Students collected coins. stamps. and pictures ex–
emplifying the gay. colorful life of the Spanish
Lively recordings in the classrooms provided
an entertaining means of appreciating Spanish
musit'. To further this interest, the group attended
a program at Carnegie Music Hall presenting Car–
los :\Jontoya's renowned Flamenco guitar.
Participating in Redstone's first homecoming.
the club's poster characterized the traditional Span–
ish sport of bull fighting. Roller skating and ice
skating parties sponsored by the club pro,·ided
social life for many students. A fun-filled picnic
at Lick Hollow terminated the club's acti\ities.
TOP: )fantilla,
colorfull) decorated scarYes,
and maracas delight and interest these Spnnish I amigos.
BOTTO:\!: :\luchnchos and Muchachas proudly exhibit the
poster their club created.for the homecoming.
Spanish Club