Joe Condek commends Mark Vigliotti and Tom Lucostic for their fine
mnrksmanahip. Other N.R.A. members look at the perfectly placed shots.
Gun safety and marksmanship were the
chief aims of the National Rifle Associa–
tion. During the school year, the club held
special meetings in the Uniontown United
States Armory to discuss such topics as
safety. hunting, and the conservation of
state gamelands.
The members kept busy promoting
extreme caution in the use of weapons by
taking part in various programs and lec–
tures presented by qualified persons. Mem·
bers were instructed
the proper hand·
ling of rifles by marine reservists at the
Connellsdlle Airport, a Reserve Armory.
enjo)ed a successful )ear under
the leadership of Mr. Victor M. Joswick
and oHicers: Tom Lucostic, president;
Barry Bookshar, vice-president; Linda
Radovich. secretary: Carol Grubish, treas·
urer: and Joe Gondek. sergeant-at-arms.
"Ready, aim, fire!" .Mr. JO@wick gives the command to !ix of his sharpshooters
as fellow members watch the targets ahead.
Ron Sheba and JoAnn Swartek glide across the ice with ease
at a skating party sponsored by the N.R.A.