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en1or Chorus


part of their daily curricular ac–


members of the chorus blended

'oices under the direction of






Glee Club presented its first per–


during the annual Christmas pro·


They sang the beautiful, "Do You


What I Hear?" and the seasonal,


the Red-Nosed Reindeer."

Demonstrating true Christmas spirit.


Froup helped to brighten the hearts of

tbo-e less fortunate. They caroled at the

Br.."n 1ille and Unionto\\n hospitals and

at the Fayette County Home.

Twelve members represented Redstone

in the Fayette County Chorus in



ber at Albert Gallatin High School. Beau–

tiful selections rendered were: "Blue-Tail

Fly," "The Lord is My Shepherd," and

"Maria." Holly Jameson and Ken Harasty

earned the privilege of attending the West–

ern Pennsylvania District Chorus at :\ft.

Lebanon High School.

In :\larch, the Chorus presented a

colorful Spring Concert. Later. !!enjors pre–

pared for commencE-ment.

Skilled piani&ts, Henry Oplinger and

Beth Nuttall, assisted the chorus in all per–

formances and made rehearsals enjoyable.

At graduation the chorus sensed a

feeling of satisfaction.

TOP: Selected vocalists prepare number for County Chorus Concert.

BOTIOM: Joyful carolers impart festh·e spirit to hospital patients.

OW: .Mrs. Sawyer, Cage, Antonini, Kumava, Workman, McManus, Walker, Crawford, Lenk, Newland, &labon, Shetler, Keeney, Calle,

EO NO: Rollison, Coppolino, Nuttall, Christner, Malcolm, Greenwood, Leake, Peterson, Shaw, Binion, Broadwater, Sidwell, Dudash,

BOW THREE: Carbonara, Lane, Kavulic,




Kisbel, Jackson, Pattenon, Brown, Stebok, Pugliesi, Fields,




Dawson, Bella, Swabey, Mays, Hamilton, Fekety,


Jones, Bryant, Laney, Fabrycki, Skompski,

TOP ROW: Dirda, Rosso, Leon, Fensbaw, Rushnock, Terrace, Kamin•ky, Rarasty, Kuhoric, Chrise, l\fcKeruie, Wingard, Kubitza,