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Spanish Club

FRONT ROW (L. to R.) D. Kushner ; L. Walls; P . Nickels; S.


Hubbar d; R. Rollins; J . Gardner; K. McGover n; S. Yost;

~· ·~''l<t1l~~

Strunk; L . Swan . ROW TWO: J . Newman; E. Lupoid; L. Re) r

D. Tr uss; A. Martin; D. Maassen; D. Rieg, C. Nickels,

Holgate; P . Barto. ROW THREE: T . Pupello, D. ve1:,g!¥!ron,

Rock; E. Orzal; S. Allen; S. Roberts; J . Lillie;


Root; D. Detrick. ROW FOUR: J . Teller; T. del

nedy; F. Brown; P . O'Connell; L . Marky; C.

s r1'tnt.i'lct·

stead. ROW FIVE : S. Ingersoll;

J .

Edgreen; K.

K. Ellis; S. Smith; M. Patterson; J . Worthing;

SIX: S. Ganong, B. Huntington; G. Stewart; G.


Clark; B. Collins.

Der deutsche verein hat

dieses Jahr einige neunen Mit–

glieder bekommen. Er ist immer

noch ziemlich klein, aber er

waechst langsam, denn die Mit–

glieder sind darueber begeistert.



The German Club has re–

ceived some new members this

year. The Club is still quite

small, but


is growing because

the members are enthusiastic

about it.

El Club Espanol

El Club Espanol, nuevamente

reorg.anizado, eligio a Fred Neu–

meyer de presidente .

El grupo presento una obra

teatral y el fin del ano esco1ar

fue festejado con una comida.

Se estan hacienda planes

para una excursion a Nueva York

en el futuro.


The Spanish Club, newly re–

ganized, elected Fred Neumey–


A play was presented by the

oup and the end of the school



w celebrated by a dinner.


underway for a



in the future.



~¥~ . ;)


FRONT ROW (L. toR.) M. Lee; P , Nicke ls; K. Donnelly; M. Donnelly; C.

Ticonchuk; S. Yost. ROW TWO: C. Urban; J.Johnson; P. Hakes; D. Maassen;

J. Mattison. ROW THREE: J. Baron; A. Robinson. ROW FOUR: A. Dewing;

B. Jost; G. Franklin; K. Patterson.