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FRONT ROW (L. toR.) L. Jackson; B. Collins; S. Brani, Treas.; P. Randall, V.

Pres.; K. Whitt, Pres.; J. Mattison, Sec.; R. Rollins; C. Harders. ROW TWO: L.

Wakefield; C. Nickels; P. Barto; J. Holgate; K. Van Buskirk; S. Ingersoll,


Fiester. ROW THREE: D. Hibbard; P. Sibley; D. Bedell; P. Livengood; M. Wat–

kins; G. Me Tamney; R. Fuller. ROW FOUR: M. McDuffee; D. Wakefield; L. Mark:

S. Shultz; B. Slick; J. Roberts; B. Steele.

Student Council


Along with its biennial picture

project and its annual Christmas

skit, talent show, and assemblies,

Student Council worked on many

new projects this year. With Ken

Whitt at the helm, the Council gave

the students more rights, more

privileges, and a greater voice in

the school. Student Council helped

the needy by giving them Thanks–

giving baskets and Christmas gifts.


also collected clothes for the

Save The Children Federation.

Future Homemakers


This year the Future Home–

makers of America have under–

taken many diverse projects under

the leadership of Nancy Middaugh

and Miss Bleiler. During the

Christmas holidays they gave a

party for thirty area children

from large families. They also

participated in two district F .H.A.

rallies and held a Mother-Daugh–

ter banquet during F .H.A. week.

They proved themselves able fu–

ture homemakers by furnishing

mouth-watering goodies for sev–

eral bakesales. To stimulate 'in–



the club, they initiated a

merit system which encourages

girls to earn enough points to re–

ceive a replica of their emblem.

FRONT ROW (L. toR.) D. Sibley; N. Mallery; D. Newman; N. Middaugh; P. Du–

varney; D. Updyke. ROW TWO: S. Duvarney, B. Floyd, D. Howe, A. Kuenzli, B.

Moyer. ROW THREE: L. Sheperdson, F. Miller, L. Lunn.