Honor Society
FRONT ROW (L. toR.) D. Hibbard, Treas.; S. Brani, Sec.; J. Savacool, Pres.;
K. Kolanda, V. Pres.; Miss Rosenberg, Advisor. ROW TWO: N. Marks; B. Van
De Mark; T. Dolonich; K. Donnelly; L. Pitkin; S. Espe; N. Steenburg; C. Ticonchuk.
ROW THREE: C. Biddle; B. Slick; K. Davis; S. Stark; D.
G. Fox; K. Hix; D.
Wakefield. ROW FOUR: J. Johnson, L. Marky, J. Hunt; A. Rider; J. Holton, G.
Shirkey; R. Tucker. ROW FIVE: J.Kwiatkowski, R. Jost; J. Mayberry; C. Sch–
weizer; K. Whitt.
The Omega Phi Alpha chapter
of the National Honor Society se-
. lects its members on the basis of
academic achievement, character,
leadership, and service in regular
school work and in extra-curricu–
lar activities. Its most important
function, however, is to provide
all students with an incentive not
only to obtain better grades but
to develop character and leader–
ship ability.
Philosophy Club, under the
supervision of Dr. Adamo and Mr.
Mahlstedt, is composed of seniors.
The club's purpose is to study hu–
man morals, character, and be–
havior and to allow students to ex–
press their feelings and ideas on
these subjects. The first topic of
the. year was the purpose of the
club. The discussion of its aims
led the students to understand bet–
ter the meaning of philosophy.
Later the group discoursed on
such thoughts as the right time to
die and man's survival without
Philosophy Club
FRONT ROW (L. toR.) J . Angel; B. Ladd; J. Mayberry; R. Jest; K. Whitt. ROW
TWO: S. Stephens; C. Donnelly; C. Ticonchuk, C. Biddle. ROW THREE: P. Grif–
fiths; S. Stark; D. Wakefield; N. Marks; G. Fox; J. Johnson.