"Forward we march" could be
the motto of the Redstone High
School Band. Under the direction of
Mr. Montagna, the high-stepping
aggregation participated in various
activities throughout the year.
To the tunes of "It's Now or
Never," "Wonderland by Night,"
"Give My Regards to Broadway,"
and "Autumn leaves," the music
makers presented intricate forma–
tions. Head majorettes, Marcia Ca–
priotti and Virginia Montagna, al–
ternating at every performance,
the Alma Mater.
Dressed in colorful costumes, in–
strumentalists delighted spectators at
the Halloween Parade. Tunes played
by these musicians at the Armistice
and May Day parades were sharp
and clear.
Chosen unanimously, Sam Calva–
resi and Cheryl Rae Roll reigned as
King and Queen at the yearly semi–
forma l, "Holiday Fantasy."
The Senior Band Club and the
Redstone Band Boosters worked
hand in hand to purchase jackets for
seniors. These rewards are a token
BOTTOM ROW, kneeling left to right: Capriotti, Podlinsky, Horvillo,
Davidson, Doniero, Worish, Klebik, Gomon, Mozur, Montogno.
ROW TWO: Kishel, Mikon, Kolek, Grohom, Brosovich, Augustine,
Buseck, Sterbutzel, Pugliesi, M.
Kosick, Dorio, Douglas, Cowley,
Argenti, B. Leshnok, Mr. Montogno, Monovich, Thomas. ROW
THREE: Sherry, P. A. Kosick, Howard, Bzik, Mazzocco, Porter, Schu–
bert, Brooks, King, Morfin, S. Robins, Monyok, Punjock. ROW
FOUR: Penczok, Notole, Cokes, Gero, Bush, Cofini, R. Shiner,
of appreciation for willing service. •
Whitson, R. Johnson, Morion, Snyder, O'Brokto. ROW FIVE: Polvin–
ole, Moss, Botovsky, Crow, Dobek, DeiVerme, E. Shiner, Vlosich.
Cordine, D. Hromodo, Bester. ROW SIX: Howkins, Colvoresi,
Dorgoi, Steeber, Scherr, Smolley, Litchney, Milon, D. Johnson,
Lewis, Domenic, Brochno. ROW SEVEN: Sepkovick, J. Robins,
Hohmon, Sharpe, Siesky, Munczenski, Rosso, Oshinsky, E. Hromodo,
Hennessey, Brocco, Smith, Costy. ROW EIGHT: Burless, Columbia,
J. Leshnok, Zele.