Once again the Conservation Club endea–
vored to aid in the core and preservation of
all natural resources and wildlife. Deter–
mined in their efforts, the group under the
sponsorship of Mr. Vincent Coppolino suc–
cessfully carried out the following activities:
staging field trips, feeding wildlife, and
stocking mountain streams.
This year the organization set up rigid
standards for membership. An overage schol–
astic rating was compulsory. Members were
also required to be ideal school and com–
munity citizens and upholders of the high
standards for which the club stands.
After working tirelessly and unselfishly,
all members attended a mountain outing.
This affair concluded the club's program.
BOTIOM ROW, left to right Graham, Manovich, Kozub, Smalley,
Padalinsky, Fagiolette, Coletti, Mellow, Montagna, Nitch, leprotti,
Coppolino. ROW TWO: Phillips, A. Urani, Marbury, Doniero, Roll,
N. Harvilla, Simms, Durant, Patterson, Fawcett. ROW THREE:
Michele, Petrosky, Ferek, Cetera, D. DeMichele, Monyak, Harper, Treua,
Capriotti, McClelland, Piuono. ROW FOUR: Chumo, Bellon, M. Hor·
villa, Irving, K. Padolinsky, Keller, Kerosky, Zele, Berisko, Leichliter,
Krepps, Davidson. ROW FIVE: S. Urani, Popovich, Randolph, Me·
Donough, Mosney, Milne, Moyersky, Valek, Gero, Robins, Colvaresi.
ROW SIX: Zias, levock, Feelo, Peton, lowery, Davis, Greno, Povlikowski,
Soborese, Tinsley.