FRONT ROW, left to right: P. Valek. Sherr, Gera, Colini, Natale, Pug–
liMi, Boto•osky, Hromoda. ROW TWO: Galie, Oorgoi, Milne, Oakes,
Douglas, Whitson, J. Martin, Hohman, Sterbutzel, Cardine, D. Johnson,
Mazzocco, Brocco, Siesky, Marion, A. Vol.k, Porter, lewis, W. John–
son, N. Martin. STANDING:
Montagna, Robins, Brooks, Dominic,
Graham, Sosko.
After football season, true musicians tried
out for choice spots in the Concert Bond.
Knowing that ability reigns over all, fresh–
men as well as seniors entered in the com–
Those fortunate enough to be chosen
practiced faithfully to acquire still greater
knowledge and skill. During the eighth per–
iod, melodious sounds crept gayly through the
Band diredor, Mr. Julius Montagna,
worked enthusiastically to train students for
the annual school concert. Including arrange–
ments that ranged from joz.z to symphony,
the musicians pleased all music lovers.
Outstanding instrumentalists selected to
participate in the "All-Fayette County High
School Bond Festival" on March 30, 1962,
were Ernest Hromada, John Botovsky, John
Brocco, Alan Volek, Edward Shiner, Wlyman
Johnson, John Galie, Bill Dorgai, James
Oakes, Mary Lou Kosick, and Potty Kosick.
On this occasion the Redstone music depart·
ment was well represented.
Wlyman Johnson, John Galie, Robert Oshinsky and Alan Volek take
their work seriO<Jsly. Mr. Montagna clarifies technical paints of SO<Jnd
pressure and volume.