Glee Club
BOITOM ROW, left to right: Montogno, Chisler, Mazur, Kelley, Calmes, Corrick,
Howard, Mrs. Gozolie.
ROW TWO: Patterson, Monyok, Coletti, Colvoresi, Robertson, Berisko.
ROW THREE: Moyersky, Zios, Soborese, WoodJ, Tinsley.
Although small in number, the
Senior Chorus proved quite effec–
tive. Daily, twenty-two students re–
ported to Roam 204 to master choice
musical selections. Under the direc–
tion of Mrs. Olga Gazalie, the
members expressed their talents in
every little note.
the school made ready for the
Yuletide Season, so did the Glee
Club. Entering the auditorium car–
rying lighted candles, the chorus
began its impressive Christmas pro–
gram with "Angels We Hove Heard
On High." Vocal renditions of "The
Little Drummer Bay," "Twas The
Night Before Christmas" and the
beautiful version of "The lord's
Prayer" captivated the audience.
Eagerly the Senior Chorus prac–
ticed for Commencement. With
deepest feeling they sang "The
Rosary" and " Bless Thou The lord."
After mastering the "Ave Maria",
the Glee Club drew the curtain on
their activities.