FRONT ROW (L. toR.) J. Hunt; C. Schweizer; B. Joplin; T. Frenzel; K. Ostrander; M. Stahl; D. Konzal; R. Whitaker;
A. Wagner; G. Deuel; J. Okadapoa. ROW TWO: T. Haun; R. Thompson; P. Rhodes; S. Spaulding; M. Gulachok; D.
Colburn; L. Jackson; L. Mills; ' T. Fargnoli; R. Lupold; M. Watkins; A. Rider. ROW THREE: F. Konzal; L. Dick;
B. Edgreen; A. Howe; T. Beesee; E. Hofmeister; L. Wagner; S. Sackett; M. Smith; M. Ostrander; C. SWartwood; D.
Track and Field
Although Owego did not win the league
championship, the track and field men had a
good season.
The highlight of the 1966 season was the
Southern Counties League Championship
meet in which Owego Free Academy took
second place because of the cunning and
craftiness of child psychologist Coach John
Cornick. Entering the meet, the Indians
were considered a far shot to finish higher
than fourth. But Coach Cornick juggled the
participants at different events and came up
with some outstanding performances. Be–
sides sweeping both the 880 Yard and Mile
Medley Relays, Owego won the Broad Jump
with Gary Deuel and the 880 Yard Dash with
Curtis Schweizer.
In other action, Owego beat Waverly and
Catholic Central in competition, but lost to
Vestal, Homer, and Horseheads. The Indians
also took first place in fine style in the Tioga
County Invitational, held at Marvin Park.
An exceptionally strong performance
was given by co-captain Manning Stahl, who
participated in the N.Y.S. meet after taking
second place in Section Four in the 220 Yard
Dash. Also Jack Mayberry finished third
the 880 Yard Dash against Homer. Individual
school records were made by Gary Deuel in
the Triple Jump, Curt Schweizer in the Two
Mile Run, and both Dennis Konzal and Bran–
don Shaff in the Pole Vault. The Mile Medley
Relay record was smashed by runners Dick
Whitaker, Manning Stahl,
Deuel, and
Curtis Schweizer.
Next year should be a better season as
Owego's most consistent performers are
returning. The entire distance team, con–
sisting of Jess Hunt, Art Rider, Mike Wat–
kins, Bob Thompson, Larry Dick, Albert
Howe, and Jack Mayberry, will work for top