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Mr. Joswick signifies his approval with

a smile. On behalf of the National

Forensic league, Mr. lucostic presents

Dione DeMichele with the club's charter.

SEATED, left to right: D. De Michele, J. De Mi<hele, Me Clelland, Mr. Joswick,

Rowley. STANDING, left ta right: West, Skovran, Porter, Hobson, Klimko,

Defino, Simms.

This year during regular meetings the

Debate Club met with its sponsor, Mr.

Joswick, to discuss the procedures and

oratorical rules of debating.

The members acquired respect for

facts and contempt for invalid conclu–

sions. Knowing that o bono fide conclu–

sion is not drown until each side of the

issue has been effectively presented,

both teams put forth greater effort to be

victorious. Hence, they gained o com–

prehensive knowledge of political, eco–

nomic, and social problems. Through

logical reasoning the participants also

learned thot big problems ore not solved


Upon receiving their charter from the

NFL, the debaters could earn from two

to eight points for each round. Pins were

presented to those who totaled twenty·

five points or more.