State Trooper, Robert Palladino, points out sev–
eral valuable factors about police guns to interest–
N. R. A. onlookers. He streues the importance
of the tear gas gun in police work.
At U.S. Armory in Uniontown, Notional Rifle
Association members inspect firearms.
is designed to en–
courage safety in the handling and
firing of guns and to produce goad
marksmen. The club teaches that a
gun is either a dangerous weapon
or an instrument of pleasure.
To familiarize members with the ac–
tual firing of guns, a trip was mode
to Connellsville Marine Base. In–
structed by Marines, members fired
Marine T-21 rifles and .22 cal. pis–
tols on an indoor range.
Since the mo jor aim of the club
is "safety first", the group visited the
U. S. Armory in Uniontown to view
a demonstration in safety and to
hear a lecture on police weapons.
They learned to lood ammunition
Members who participated in all
phases of club activity and fired a
rifle and pistol efficiently were
awarded certificates of attainment.
Francis lemansky of the Uniontown
Police Deportment demon.strotes the cor–
rect way to load ammunition cartridges.
At the some time many view the display
of police tear gas equipment.