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The Tri-Hi-Y members shored a

happy and helpful year. Using the

receipts of one cent for each Pepsi

and Teem bottle cop collected, they

donated a record player to the Spe–

cial Education class.

Santo's little helpers, Connie Chl.lmo, Fronk Check, Lindo Durinz:i, and Anastasio

Penczok bring


to themselves by sorting "Toys for Tots."

To make the Yuletide merry for

unfortunate children, the girls spon–

sored a "Toys for Tots" campaign.

At Christmas time, they prepared

baskets for needy families in the

community. Furnishing and decorat–

ing a tree in the chapel at the Fay–

ette County Home, club members

brought happiness to the aged.

Billie McClelland, Alicia Moore,

and Sondra McDonough represented

Redstone at o model United Notions

Assembly held by the State Y.M.C.A.

In Harrisburg on March 2 and 3,

1962, the girls represented Ireland;

Sandy McDonough acted as spokes–

man for the delegation. By meetings

such as these, the ties of the Tri-Hi–


are made stronger.

Serve school, home, and community

BOTTOM ROW, left to right:


Hart, Leprotti, Grooms, Torr, Pelon,

Nehelo, Rondelli, Montagna, Chisler, Kozub, Rowley, Nitch, Geballo,

·Miss Wilson.

ROW TWO: Smalley, Coletti, Stiner, Johnson, Cropp, Durant, Mar–

bury, Fawcett, Mellow, Hess, Petrosky, Walker.

ROW THREE: Horvillo, Saypto, Fogiolette, Treuo, DeMichele, Simms,

Shumor, McClelland, Durinzi, Doniero, Phillips, Cetera, Corrick.

ROW FOUR: Keller, Davidson, Dorsey, Piz:zono, Roll, Capriotti, Glod,

Chumo, Krepps, Tomsic, Cordine, Leichliter.

ROW FIVE: Forestire, Kelley, Gero, McDonough, Worley, Hopkinson,

Martin, Moody, Gibe!, Podolinsky, Moore.





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